Wind-Up Smack Down!

In the spirit of Sumo Wrestling, Rock-em-Sock-em-Robots, and (on a much smaller scale) Survival Research Labs, Wind-Up Smack Down is a contest of customization and combat involving wind up toys.

The Rules for Wind-Up Warriors:

  • All entrants must be based on a wind up toy.
    • This can be the wind up knob variety that when released, powers walking legs, wheels, tracks, etc.
    • Or a pull-back aparatus that when released shoots the vehicle forward, generally on wheels.
  • The motive power and ambulatory mechanisms must be unmodified.
    • The idea is to use stock wind up motors for all your power.
    • The feet that the toy comes with cannot be made gigantic to keep it from falling over (for instance.)
  • The entry must have a footprint that fits in a 3" diameter.
    • This keeps the entries small and reasonable, but still allows for larger base toys, such as 4 legged walking cows, and 1950s tin robots.
    • you can still build out and up, and make your entry as top heavy as you like. :)
  • The entry must be self contained.
    • If you want battery powered buzz saws, your toy has to carry its own battery pack.
    • No wires, hoses, or cables from electrical power, pneumatic air tanks, combustable fuel tanks etc may be connected from off-ring to the Wind Up Warrior
  • No frictional stability enhancers
    • You cannot add training wheels, tripods, or outriggers to your warrior to make it impossible to knock it over.
  • Switched systems are allowed.
    • You may have an on/off button, lever, fuse, etc, in addition to your wind action if your combat system needs actuation.

Rules for Combat:

  • Suggested combat arena size: 12" diameter.
  • Warriors start at points designated by the event coordinators, or two mutually agreeable opposing locations.
  • Entrants are allowed to:
    • Wind up their motive system.
    • Turn on, wind up, ignite, etc, any combat systems.
  • Contestants release their Warriors!
  • Suggested sliding point scale:
    • 1 Point: Toppling opponent.
    • 5 points: Dismembering opponent.
      • This may need judiciary discretion. Basically some part(s) should get ripped, knocked, clawed, or melted off the opponent.
    • 5 Points: Pushing, or otherwise causing opponent to leave the circle.(short range)
    • 10 Points: KO! Causing the opponent to leave the ring, table, area code, etc.(long range)
  • Contestants may not repair Warriors over the course of a nights event.
    • If you are fighting multiple events, you will have deal with your later opponents with what is left of your warrior.
  • All contestants are recomended to share a gentlemanly shot of The Whiskey with their opponent, before and after their bout. And during.

video footage from the ZK March Madness Wind-Up-Smack-Down:

Flickr set from the same event.

ZK Wind-Up Smack-Down is licensed Creative Commons NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.
Commons License